Cap Anamur Team in the office

The people behind Cap Anamur

Our team

The team in Cologne

The team

The office in Cologne is responsible for administration as well as project coordination and communication. Our small team there coordinates the worldwide emergency aid missions with a lot of heart and soul, plans future projects and takes care of fundraising and accounting.

Bernd Göken

Management / Project Coordination
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Stephanie Berg, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Fundraising

Stephanie Berg

Public Relations and Fundraising
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Christopher Warnecke

Christopher Warnecke

Donation Administration
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 53

Ute Schneider

Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Employees worldwide

Employees worldwide

Marius Akpe

Project coordinator
Country of operation: Central African Republic

Dr. Nellie Bell

Country of operation: Sierra Leone

Sudan, Nuba Mountains: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner (Cap Anamur doctor) talking with mother and daughter.

Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner

Country of operation: Sudan

Rachael Kpako

Social Worker
Country of operation: Sierra Leone

Johannes Plate

Project coordinator
Country of operation: Sudan

Helene Prögler

Nurse & Project Coordinator
Country of operation: Sierra Leone, Sudan and Uganda

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Volker Rath


Dr. Werner Höfner

Board member

Boris Dieckow

Board member

More about us

Our guidelines

Seit der Gründung von Cap Anamur hält sich die Organisation an das Prinzip, dort zu helfen, wo es nötig ist. With our work, over the years, basic principles and guidelines have emerged according to which we act.

School class in the partly destroyed school


A careful use of our financial means as well as transparency towards the public and our donors are essential for us.


The history of Cap Anamur begins in 1979 with the emergency situation of the Vietnamese boat people in the South China Sea, which Christel and Rupert Neudeck did not want to stand idly by: The birth of Cap Anamur Deutsche Not-Ärzte e. V..

Cap Anamur Team in the office

Our team

The office in Cologne is responsible for administration as well as project coordination and communication. Our small team there coordinates the worldwide emergency aid missions with a lot of heart and soul, plans future projects and takes care of fundraising and accounting.