Singing and praying together before school: Street children in conversation with Dennis Wellmann (Project Manager Pikin Paddy).

Last Will & Inheritance

Give a future, leave traces

Testamentary donation: Opening up future prospects worth living for fellow human beings.

A bequest or legacy in favor of Cap Anamur allows us to save lives, and alleviate suffering:

  • with our means of emergency medical aid
  • with relief goods
  • and sustainably with the construction of hospitals and schools.

We greatly appreciate the particularly high level of trust placed in us with donations in wills.

Is such a step a consideration for you? We are discreetly and happily available for an in-depth conversation on this topic.


Please note: The following content is intended as initial information regarding the possibilities of making a will or bequest in favor of Cap Anamur. This information is not a substitute for legal advice, and we cannot accept liability for its accuracy or completeness.

Bangladesh: Visit to the General Hospital and Special Clinic of Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain.
Bangladesh: Visit to the General Hospital and Special Clinic of Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain. © Jürgen Escher.

Why make a will?

In order to support a charitable organization such as Cap Anamur with your estate, this must be specified in a will.

One’s own will can be designed almost freely according to one’s own wishes, values and ideals. Without a will, the statutory rules on succession determine who receives the estate: Only family members and spouses or registered partners are taken into account, and if there are none, the state. Other close persons, such as cohabitants without status, are then excluded from inheritance. The same applies to nonprofit organizations. Therefore, if one’s last will and testament deviates from the legal succession, a written will is required. With the exception of the compulsory share for the next of kin, who are entitled to half of the statutory share of the inheritance, everyone can dispose of their own estate completely freely. Once these matters are in order, it often means a great deal of relief and security – not least for the relatives.

What are the variations of wills?

handwritten will
  • To be written by hand at any time and at no cost. Important: fully handwritten!
  • necessary contents: Place, date, signature with full name. Useful: a heading with “Will” or “Last Will”.
  • Be as specific as possible to avoid misunderstandings or disputes. Tip: Legal advice is definitely helpful in case of doubt.
  • Safekeeping: at home or by means of deposit at the competent district court. Note: However, it should be easy to find at home and at least one trusted person should be informed about it.

Note: The handwritten will can be supplemented, changed or revoked at any time.

notarial will
  • legally sound form (especially suitable for complex inheritance arrangements)
  • Consultation and determination of testamentary capacity
  • Costs depending on the asset (fee table)
  • after notarial certification, safekeeping at the competent district court

joint will
  • also called Berlin will
  • Spouses or registered partners are mutually appointed as sole heirs. A third party – usually the children – inherits the assets only after the death of both partners.

Note: In some circumstances, it is advisable that the will state whether the longer living spouse may change the will with respect to the provision for inheritance and the other arrangements made.

Inheritance contract

An inheritance contract must be concluded with at least one other person and must be notarized by a certified notary public.

Note: the contract of inheritance may, in principle, only be amended or dissolved with the consent of all parties involved.

What is the difference between inheritance and bequest?


The person covered becomes the legal successor. In addition to the assets and property, the person thus inherits any obligations and debts.

Example of a joint inheritance:

My last will and testament

I, Emma Schneider, born on February 13, 1946, residing at Mühlenstraße 2, 12345 Mühlhausen, appoint as my heirs in equal shares my niece Anna Schmidt, residing at Bahnhofstraße 3, 56789 Bahnhofsstadt, and the non-profit organization Cap Anamur/Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V., Thebäerstraße 30, 50823 Cologne.

Mühlhausen, November 3rd, 2015

Emma Schneider


The person or organization bequeathed receives something with no further obligations. For example, a sum of money, real estate or a piece of jewelry. Such an arrangement may be made by way of a will or agreed in an inheritance contract.
It is sufficient to specify who is to receive which item or asset. Any heirs are obliged to hand over the bequest to the legatee.

Example of a bequest:

My last will and testament

I, Emma Schneider, born on 13.02.1946, residing at Mühlenstraße 2, 12345 Mühlhausen, appoint as heir my niece Anna Schmidt, residing at Bahnhofstraße 3, 56789 Bahnhofsstadt. I bequeath 5,000 euros to the non-profit organization Cap Anamur/Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V., Thebäerstraße 30, 50823 Cologne.

Mühlhausen, November 3rd.2015

Emma Schneider

Reasons that speak for our aid organization:

We are:


Coordination and management of all processes with minimal personnel and costs


Deployment of more than 1,000 medical professionals and technicians in 60 countries worldwide


Care for around 70,000 patients per month


Humanitarian aid independent of political, economic and religious interests


Clear and unambiguous presentation of accounting and economical use of funds

River crossing near Bezaha.
River crossing near Bezaha.


Can I already consider Cap Anamur during my lifetime?

Yes. A donation can be made at any time during your lifetime. It is also possible to make a so-called gift promise, which only takes effect after death. In the latter case, for example, a bank account or savings book, real estate, savings or securities, does not pass to a person or organization until the day of death.

Does Cap Anamur have to pay gift or inheritance taxes?

No, as a recognized non-profit organization we are exempt from gift and inheritance tax.

What is the difference between an inheritance and a bequest?

Inheritance: The beneficiary becomes the legal successor. In addition to the assets and property, the person thus inherits any obligations and debts.

Bequest: The person or organization being bequeathed receives something with no further obligations. For example, a sum of money, real estate or a piece of jewelry. Such an arrangement may be made by way of a will or agreed in an inheritance contract.
It is sufficient to specify who is to receive which item or asset. Any heirs are obliged to hand over the bequest to the legatee.

Where should I store my will?

One’s own will can be kept at home, but a trusted person should have knowledge of it. If you want to be on the safe side, you can deposit your will with the local court for a one-time fee. This ensures that the will is not lost and that the persons or organizations concerned are informed in good time. In the case of a will drawn up by a notary, the notary takes charge of depositing the document.

Can I revoke my will?

Yes. Provided that one’s own will is kept at the local court, it can be recalled at any time and without giving reasons. To revoke a will, it can be destroyed or replaced by a new one – this applies to the notarial as well as the handwritten document. However, special features apply to joint wills and contracts of inheritance.

Important contacts and addresses

As a non-profit organization, we are not permitted or able to provide legal advice. For legal questions, we recommend legal or notarial advice. Below are some contacts and/or useful points of contact.

Federal Chamber of Notaries

Mohrenstr. 34
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 / 38 38 66 0
Fax: +49 30 / 38 38 66 66

German Federal Bar Association

Littenstr. 9
10179 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 / 28 49 390
Fax: +49 30 / 28 49 39 11

German Bar Association e.V.

Littenstraße 11
10179 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 / 72 61 52 0
Fax: +49 30 / 72 61 52 190

German Association for Inheritance Law and Property Succession e.V.

Hauptstraße 18
74918 Angelbachtal
Phone: +49 7265 / 91 34 14
Fax: +49 7265 / 91 34 34

We are here for general questions and advice!

Contact person for testamentary donations

If you are thinking about making a bequest in favor of Cap Anamur, we are at your disposal for in-depth discussions.

Stephanie Berg, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Fundraising

Stephanie Berg

Public Relations and Fundraising

+49 221 – 9 13 81 50