Dr. Werner Strahl (2nd from right, Chairman of Cap Anamur) in conversation with Dr. Nellie Bell (left, pediatrician and deputy hospital director) at Ola During Children's Hospital in Freetown. Also present: Dennis Wellmann (right, Pikin Paddy project manager) and pediatric nurse Simone Ross (2nd from left).

Our guidelines

Guidance for our actions

Principles of our work

Principles of our work

Cap Anamur has been providing humanitarian aid for over 40 years. Over the years, we have been able to build up a valuable wealth of experience as a relief organization. This has resulted in a set of principles for Cap Anamur, which we consider indispensable as a guiding principle for our daily work in Germany and in our countries of operation around the world.

We are committed to the principle of radical humanitarianism.

We are non-partisan and independent - maintaining our own autonomy in decision-making and free from military or economic influence by third parties.

Strengthen regional initiativeand promote self-help.

Quality assurance and optimization even after completion of the projects.

Fast, unbureaucratic and flexible help for people in need, regardless of their ethnicity and skin color, political conviction, religion, language, social origin, disability, age and gender.

In short-term emergency aid, we are also guided by the principle of developmentcooperation.

Cooperation only with partners who are committed to our principles.

Careful and conscientious use and accounting of funds. Traceability for our donors and the public through comprehensive transparency.

Needs-based work in intensive consultation with those in need and local authorities.

Development of sustainabletrainingprograms and a sustainablyusable infrastructure.

Our openness to the ideas and needs of local people means that we are not only transmitters of knowledge, but also learnersat the same time. The mutual exchange promotes the quality of our work.

Continuous improvement of the projects and the employees.

Politically independent, but not apolitical.

More about us

Our guidelines

Seit der Gründung von Cap Anamur hält sich die Organisation an das Prinzip, dort zu helfen, wo es nötig ist. With our work, over the years, basic principles and guidelines have emerged according to which we act.

School class in the partly destroyed school


A careful use of our financial means as well as transparency towards the public and our donors are essential for us.


The history of Cap Anamur begins in 1979 with the emergency situation of the Vietnamese boat people in the South China Sea, which Christel and Rupert Neudeck did not want to stand idly by: The birth of Cap Anamur Deutsche Not-Ärzte e. V..

Cap Anamur Team in the office

Our team

The office in Cologne is responsible for administration as well as project coordination and communication. Our small team there coordinates the worldwide emergency aid missions with a lot of heart and soul, plans future projects and takes care of fundraising and accounting.