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Press Kit Cap Anamur

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Text modules

The non-profit association Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. has been providing humanitarian aid worldwide for over 40 years. The focus is on medical care and access to education.

The non-profit association Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. in Cologne was founded in 1979 by Christel and Rupert Neudeck and some of their friends, including Heinrich Böll. Since then, Cap Anamur has been providing humanitarian aid worldwide. The focus is on medical care and access to education.
The principle of “sustainable aid” is consistently applied. In war and crisis zones or after natural disasters, structures are created that permanently improve the lives of people in need: Hospitals and schools are built, people from the local population are trained, and building materials, relief supplies and medicines are provided. The aim of the aid organization is always to be able to hand over a project into the hands of local workers as soon as possible. Because that frees up capacity for other operations.
Cap Anamur operates worldwide. Current projects include a shelter for street children and the largest children’s hospital in Sierra Leone, the operation of hospitals in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan, and medical care for refugees from Syria in Lebanon. In the Central African Republic, Cap Anamur operates a hospital and builds schools. The aid organization also has a presence in Afghanistan, where it provides training for nurses.

Cap Anamur in numbers

Founded: 1979
Founders: Rupert Neudeck, Christel Neudeck and some of their friends, including Heinrich Böll
Office staff: 5 employees
Employees in projects: 22 employees
Longest project: Nuba Mountains, Sudan (21 years)
Countries where aid has been provided to date: 62

Latest annual report

An annual report clearly summarizes the activities of the previous calendar year as well as current association-related information and figures in a brochure.

Image material

The photos provided here may be used exclusively for editorial purposes in connection with reporting on Cap Anamur. Copyright information must be complied with.

Download project images
Afghanistan training nurses
Afghanistan: teaching midwifery and nursing classes. © Jürgen Escher.
Afghanistan: hands-on obstetrics training with mannequins.
Afghanistan: hands-on obstetrics training with mannequins. © Jürgen Escher.
Bangladesh: Visit to the General Hospital and Special Clinic of Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain.
Bangladesh: Visit to the General Hospital and Special Clinic of Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain. © Jürgen Escher.
Lebanon: Addullah Nimje (Cap Anamur nurse) talking to a patient (Syrian civil war refugee) at the health station in Sidon.
Lebanon: Addullah Nimje (Cap Anamur nurse) talking to a patient (Syrian civil war refugee) at the health station in Sidon. © Jürgen Escher.
Lebanon: Physiotherapy children with disabilities
Libanon: Physiotherapie Kinder mit Behinderung. © Jürgen Escher.
Sierra Leone: Premature baby ward: Rafael Reichelt (doctor, Cap Anamur) during rounds.
Sierra Leone: Premature baby ward: Rafael Reichelt (doctor, Cap Anamur) during rounds. © Jürgen Escher.
Washing container with soap in front of one of the 10 toilet houses.
Washing container with soap in front of one of the 10 toilet houses.
Sierra Leone: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. (center, Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner, Cap Anamur physician). © Jürgen Escher.
Sudan, Nuba Mountains: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner (Cap Anamur doctor) talking with mother and daughter.
Sudan, Nuba Mountains: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner (Cap Anamur doctor) talking with mother and daughter. © Jürgen Escher.
Sudan, Nuba Mountains: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. (center, Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner, Cap Anamur physician).
Sudan, Nuba Mountains: Rounds at Cap Anamur Hospital in Lwere. (center, Dr. Kathrin Baumgartner, Cap Anamur physician). © Jürgen Escher.
Central African Republic: Project visit and factfinding tour by Dr. Werner Höfner (left, Cap Anamur board member) - here visiting together with Marius Akpe (center, Cap Anamur project coordinator) the Cap Anamur new school construction in Bowesse village.
Central African Republic: Project visit and factfinding tour by Dr. Werner Höfner (left, Cap Anamur board member) - here visiting together with Marius Akpe (center, Cap Anamur project coordinator) the Cap Anamur new school construction in Bowesse village. © Jürgen Escher.
Central African Republic: Sarah Schütz (right, midwife, Cap Anamur) on rounds at Bossombélé District Hospital.
Central African Republic: Sarah Schütz (right, midwife, Cap Anamur) on rounds at Bossombélé District Hospital. © Jürgen Escher.

Contact for press inquiries

If you have any specific requests for your own reporting, or if you need additional image or text material, please also contact us directly.

Stephanie Berg, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Fundraising

Stephanie Berg

Public Relations and Fundraising

+49 221 – 9 13 81 50