Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Here you will find the latest news or developments in the individual aid projects, job postings, events, new podcast episodes, and much more.

Latest news

Patients wait for treatment at the small clinic (Comprehensive Health Center) in Now Abad.

“The Situation for Women in Afghanistan is Devastating”

Cap Anamur's Managing Director, Bernd Göken, reports in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio on how we can continue to train women in Afghanistan as nurses.

Nach dem schweren Erdbeben im Oktober 2023 in Afghanistan leistet Cap Anamur für die betroffenen Region Wiederaufbauhilfe

Reconstruction Aid for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan is Progressing

The earthquake in Afghanistan on October 7, 2023 almost completely destroyed some rural regions of Herat province. More than 1400 people lost their lives. Cap Anamur is providing reconstruction aid in the region.

Cap Anamur leistet trotz der Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021 weiterhin aktiv Hilfe für Afghanistan

Cap Anamur Continues to Provide Aid for Afghanistan

Despite the Taliban takeover in 2021, Cap Anamur remains active in Afghanistan and is improving career prospects for women in order to strengthen the healthcare system.

Cap Anamur bietet Menschen, die vor Krieg und Krisen im eigenen Land fliehen, die wichtigste Grundversorgung.

IDPs – displaced in your own country

To mark World Refugee Day, Cap Anamur is shining a light on internally displaced people - when locals flee war and crisis but are unable to leave the country.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.