12. September 2014 Project reports, Madagascar


In Madagascar, our mission was to improve medical care in the two rural regions around Bezaha and Fandriana.

Andreas Tsukalas (2nd from right, organizer, architect and technician) on a tour of the Bezaha Reference Hospital (Centre Hositalier de Reference) with the head of surgery Dr. Mohamadi (left), the operations manager Mr. Gerard (center), the nurse Silke Schopf (right) Here with the reconstruction plan of the surgery, which Cap Anamur will completely renovate.
Andreas Tsukalas (2.v.r, Organisator, Architekt und Techniker) bei einem Rundgang im Referenz-Krankenhaus Bezaha (Centre Hositalier de Reference) mit dem Chefarzt der Chirurgie Dr. Mohamadi (links), dem betrieblichem Leiter Mr. Gerard (Mitte), der Krankenschwester Silke Schopf (rechts) Hier mit dem Umbauplan der Chirurgie, die Cap Anamur komplett sanieren wird.
Opening ceremony with politicians from the national government and other guests

After about five months of construction, construction on the hospital’s new surgical unit in Fandriana was completed in June. Subsequently, the laboratory, the ultrasound station and the pharmacy were also rebuilt, renovated and equipped with the necessary equipment. In July, the time had come: a big party was held to mark the official opening of the surgical department. The people of the surrounding villages came in droves and were delighted that comprehensive medical care is now available in their region. Previously, they had to travel about 50 kilometers to Ambositra for all surgical procedures. In emergency situations and without a car, this is a long and not always manageable journey – especially since the patients have often already traveled up to 60 kilometers to get to Fandriana.

Politicians of the national government from Antananarivo also arrived for the celebrations, as well as important personalities from Ambositra and the local authorities of the Fandriana district. In numerous speeches, the commitment of the Cap Anamur team on site and especially the donors in Germany were thanked, without whose initiative this expansion would not have been possible.

River crossing near Bezaha.
On the same day, the 1st C-section takes place in the operating room built by Cap Anamur.

That very day, the first C-section took place in the new operating room. It was 30-year-old Miarisoa Lilia from Fandriana who came to our hospital in labor for the delivery of her first child. “Little by little, it became apparent that despite labor pains, the birthing process was not making any real progress,” recalls Cap Anamur physician Friederike Hunstig. “We did an emergency ultrasound on her, but everything seemed fine as far as the baby was concerned. To avoid further endangering the baby by stopping the birth, a C-section was the safest option.” The surgical team immediately began the appropriate preparations and induced spinal anesthesia. Immediately after the delivery, the experienced head nurse Lala took over the initial care of little Kanto Miangola while she was still in the operating room. The procedure was completed without any complications. Both mother and daughter recovered very well from the procedure and were able to be discharged home after only a few days.

The surgery building makes a significant contribution to improving healthcare delivery

The construction of the surgery building has elevated the facility to a higher medical status, and now comprehensive treatment options are possible. We are pleased that we were able to make a contribution to improving healthcare for the approximately 260,000 people in the Fandriana district.