Children playing in Shade village. Cap Anamur built a small hospital to provide medical care for 45,000 people in the Shade region.


Become a sponsoring member

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The desire to do even more

Sponsoring memberships with regular donations, are an extremely important pillar of our work.

Every donation helps. But it is above all the sponsoring memberships and the regular contributions of many dedicated donors that make the planning of long-term and sustainable projects possible in the first place. Projects that permanently improve the lives of people in crisis areas and enable us to provide constant help even after the media interest has passed.

The predominant financing through private donations has always been one of Cap Anamur’s unique selling points. This means we can always act quicklyand unbureaucratically. We decide independently on projects and locations Our sponsoring memberships and permanent donations have played a large part in this.

School lessons in the religious school in Belamoty
School lessons in the religious school in Belamoty
Rounds: Dr. Werner Strahl (Chairman of the Board Cap Anamur) and surgery nurse Marina Knauf. Reconstruction of the 140-bed regional hospital in Makeni, Sierra Leone.

How do I become a sponsoring member?

Simply get in touch with us by phone, email, mail or right below via online form!

Being a sponsoring member means supporting the work of Cap Anamur with a regular membership fee. The amount of the sponsorship contribution is freely selectable and can be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. Cancellation of membership is possible at any time and without observing any deadlines, and will take effect immediately as of the following month.

Of course there are also other ways to support us: Hereyou can find more information about the different ways to donate.

Important: Due to the non-profit status of Cap Anamur Dt. Notärzte e.V. the donated amounts are 100% tax deductible.

Become a sponsoring member

Convinced? We’d be delighted to hear that.
We are happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject:

Phone: +49 221 9138150

Cap Anamur Sponsor Membership

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    Cap Anamur Sponsor Membership

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      Hiermit ermächtige ich den Zahlungsempfänger Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. mit der Gläubiger-Identifikationsnummer DE66ZZZ00000146900 den Förderbeitrag von meinem Konto mittels Lastschrift einzuziehen.