9. October 2020 Project reports, Mozambique

Project reports

The Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

2019 wurden weite Teile Mosambiks durch den Zyklon Idai zerstört. Cap Anamur baute danach ein zerstörtes Krankenhaus wieder auf.
Reconstruction of the hospital in Buzi

The construction work on the hospital, most of which had been destroyed, was manifold. Collapsed walls had to be rebuilt, the roofs of the building complex had to be rebuilt, and the water and electricity supply had to be renewed.

At first, emergency medical care for the patients had to take place in hospital tents. Little by little, the rooms of the hospital were made usable by us again. And at the end of our work, we were even able to inaugurate a new radiology department.

2019 wurden weite Teile Mosambiks durch den Zyklon Idai zerstört. Cap Anamur baute danach ein zerstörtes Krankenhaus wieder auf.
Cap Anamur medical professionals collaborate at the hospital

In the 13 months that we were on the ground in Mozambique, we always had medical personnel on duty as well. Our nurses initially provided emergency care for the patients in the hospital tents. When the hospital was able to resume its operations piece by piece, our employees and midwives supported the medical care and organizational work in the hospital.

2019 wurden weite Teile Mosambiks durch den Zyklon Idai zerstört. Cap Anamur baute danach ein zerstörtes Krankenhaus wieder auf.

Finally, the radiology department was refurbished and an X-ray machine was installed – this is the first time in more than 10 years that the hospital in Buzi has had a radiology department.

2019 wurden weite Teile Mosambiks durch den Zyklon Idai zerstört. Cap Anamur baute danach ein zerstörtes Krankenhaus wieder auf.
Our project is now finished, we have left the work in the hands of the local staff and doctors and can now devote ourselves to new projects.