Nach dem schweren Erdbeben im Oktober 2023 in Afghanistan leistet Cap Anamur für die betroffenen Region Wiederaufbauhilfe

Reconstruction Aid for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan is Progressing

1. July 2024 Project reports, AfghanistanProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Cap Anamur leistet trotz der Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021 weiterhin aktiv Hilfe für Afghanistan

Cap Anamur Continues to Provide Aid for Afghanistan

26. June 2024 Project reports, AfghanistanProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

House damaged by the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

Cap Anamur Supports Hospitals in the Luhansk Oblast Region

5. June 2024 Project reports, UkraineProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Cap Anamur has been building schools in the Central African Republic for years

Help for an ailing school system - Cap Anamur builds schools

5. June 2024 Project reports, Central African RepublicProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

On the Road with the Mobile Clinic in the Refugee Settlements in Lebanon

5. June 2024 Lebanon, Project reportsProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Die mobile Klinik von Cap Anamur ist für viele syrische Geflüchtete die einzige medizinische Versorgungsmöglichkeit

Mobile Clinic in Lebanon: Often the Only Medical Care Option

30. April 2024 Project reports, LebanonProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Anja arbeitet seit einem Monat für Cap Anamur als Hebamme in Mosambik

The First Month as a Midwife in Mozambique

13. March 2024 Project reports, MozambiqueProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Cap Anamur betreibt seit 2013 ein Krankenhaus in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und stärkt somit die Frauengesundheit

Cap Anamur Strengthens Women's Health in the Central African Republic

5. March 2024 Project reports, Central African RepublicProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Der Ukrainekrieg dauert nun bereits zwei Jahre an. Cap Anamur leistet seit Beginn medizinische Nothilfe im Land.

Two Years of War in Ukraine - Two Years of Unimaginable Suffering for an Entire Nation

22. February 2024 Project reports, UkraineProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.

Cap Anamur bietet syrischen Geflüchteten im Libanon kostenlosen Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung. Im Fokus stehen dabei auch Kinder mit körperlicher und geistiger Behinderung.

Help for Syrian Children with Physical or Mental Disabilities

31. January 2024 Project reports, LebanonProject reportsThe Cap Anamur project reports describe the work of our teams on site, provide insights and depict current developments in the aid project.