Cap Anamur Team in the office

Work for Cap Anamur

Working in the office

Cap Anamur Main Office in Cologne

Minimal administrative apparatus and small organisational structure

It’s part of the main principles of Cap Anamur, to keep the administration costs low, to have the biggest possible amount of money, going directly into the projects. In our Main Office at Thebäerstraße 30 in Cologne, a relatively small team of currently five people works with high efficiency, coordinating aid missions worldwide, organizing the use of funds and carrying out all other activities necessary for the functioning of our aid organisation.

Stephanie Berg

Current Vacancies

We are now hiring medical staff for our worldwide projects

We are looking for experienced doctors, physicians, nurses and midwives

We are now looking for project staff

We are looking for experienced craftsmen, technicians or architects (m/f/d) for our projects in Africa.

Volunteers for Translation (English) (m/f/d)

We are currently looking for volunteer translators with English as the target language.

The team

The team

Bernd Göken

Management / Project Coordination
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Stephanie Berg, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Fundraising

Stephanie Berg

Public Relations and Fundraising
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Christopher Warnecke

Christopher Warnecke

Donation Administration
Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 53

Ute Schneider

Phone: +49 (0) 221 – 9 13 81 50

Work Environment

Cap Anamur: Traditionally active worldwide

Vor dem Schulunterricht wird gemeinsam gesungen und gebetet: Straßenkinder im Gespräch mit Dennis Wellmann (Projektleiter Pikin Paddy). Since 2012, Cap Anamur has been running a street children project in Freetown called

Collaborating in the project

An assignment in our various projects is generally possible all over the world. We provide humanitarian aid and sustainable reconstruction work in small teams, always with the maxim of involving the local population and handing over the projects to them as quickly as possible.

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Cap Anamur Team in the office

Working in the office

A relatively small team handles the work at our office in Cologne and coordinates all activities worldwide. The administrative overhead is kept to a minimum in order to be able to invest as much as possible in the project work.

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