Cap Anamur provides worldwide humanitarian aid.
Cap Anamur provides worldwide humanitarian aid.
Fast, unbureaucratic and focused on sustainability.
Fast, unbureaucratic and focused on sustainability.
Cap Anamur has been working in war and crisis zones, after natural disasters, and in various emergency situations for over 40 years. Around the globe, our doctors, nurses, and project workers provide professional and immediate emergency support. This includes creating functioning local structures, like e.g. building or restoring hospitals and schools but also the training of local personnel with the goal of being able to pass projects as soon as possible into the hands of the people.
highly efficient
Our balance sheet: 93% of the donations flow directly into the projects.
Our know-how: Practical expertise from more than 40 years of humanitarian aid.
Our principle: Hand over projects to the local population as soon as possible.
Current projects
Current projects
Responsible action starts with project planning:
Responsible action starts with project planning:
Cap Anamur relief actions are provided in different countries worldwide and are designed to be long-term. Our projects connect to possibly existing local structures and build on cooperation with the local people. Typically, projects are handed over to the population as soon as possible to be continued locally. This way our engagement remains continuously effective even after our withdrawal and new capacities are freed for our missions.
Invitation to a Hindu wedding: Nurse Anabela Valtentin (Cap Anamur, 2015) must join the dance in the tent to the great joy of the other guests. The photo was taken in the Cap Anamur project Mountain Village Judeegaun, some 60 km from Bhaktapur. There, an earthquake destroyed almost all houses of the roughly 200 families living in the village.
Latest news
Latest news
19. February 2025
Ukraine – Cap Anamur Offers Protection and Support for Internally Displaced Persons
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Cap Anamur has been supplying and accommodating many internally displaced persons in need of protection. We provide important help, particularly in social facilities.
27. September 2024
On The Humanitarian Situation in Lebanon
The civilian population in Lebanon has suffered fear, horror and human loss in recent days. Cap Anamur is providing immediate emergency medical aid.
4. September 2024
War in Sudan | Famine Looms
A bloody war has been raging in Sudan for over a year, forcing more than 13 million people to flee their homes. The country is now facing one of the world's most severe famines.
28. August 2024
Mozambique: Improving Medical Care
The Mozambican healthcare system suffers from an acute shortage of specialists, hygiene standards and a safe water supply. Cap Anamur is therefore providing aid in this country to improve medical care for the people.
9. August 2024
Sierra Leone’s Healthcare System | 10 Years after Ebola
Cap Anamur was one of the few aid organizations to maintain medical care in Sierra Leone during the Ebola epidemic from 2014 to 2016. Today, we continue to help build up the healthcare system.
1. July 2024
“The Situation for Women in Afghanistan is Devastating”
Cap Anamur's Managing Director, Bernd Göken, reports in an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio on how we can continue to train women in Afghanistan as nurses.
1. July 2024
Reconstruction Aid for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan is Progressing
The earthquake in Afghanistan on October 7, 2023 almost completely destroyed some rural regions of Herat province. More than 1400 people lost their lives. Cap Anamur is providing reconstruction aid in the region.
27. June 2024
Hammelburg Midwife in Sudan “We Really Were Able to Save Lives Here”
Eva Fella, midwife from Hammelburg, reports on her work for Cap Anamur in the hospital in Sudan in an interview with BR and Main-Post
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Ole Hengelbrock, Cap Anamur Coordinator, 2017 playing football with refugee children at the IDP-Camp (Internally Displaced Persons). The photo was taken during a Cap Anamur fact-finding mission to the North of Somaliland, in the borderland to Somalia. There, an emergency situation has been caused by an ongoing drought. The last rain fell 3 years ago.
People behind Cap Anamur
People behind Cap Anamur
„When governments pass off cruelties as practical constraints, then NGOs have to step into the breach.“ — Volker Pispers, Kabarettist
„I admire and appreciate the work, the tireless effort and the passion of the Cap Anamur/Deutsche Notärzte e.V. team, who resolutely provide help on location even when the carousel of media attention has long moved on.“ — Urban Priol, Kabarettist
„What a story: Someone who no longer wants to consume the need of refugees as news, has an idea and starts an entire movement! Cap Anamur exists for almost my entire life and its name sounds to my ears like another word for: Looking! Acting! My heartfelt congratulations to all who are this movement and who have been helping people on location and on the run to live for 40 years! I am filled with respect!“ — Cordula Stratmann, Komikerin, Schauspielerin, Moderatorin und Schriftstellerin
„Here, donations do not seep away into a big bureaucracy, but benefit directly the genuine purpose and therefore the people. Because of this, my own experience, I since call Cap Anamur the prime example for an aid organisation.“ – Günter Wallraff, Journalist und Schriftsteller
„At the time when Ebola broke out, Cap Anamur did important work at the children’s hospital. For years, Cap Anamur has been helping the country. We are endlessly grateful. So many children were saved.“— Dr. Nellie Bell, Kinderärztin im Ola During Childrens Hospital in Sierra Leone
„We endeavour to hand over our projects only when we are certain that our support is no longer needed, but we keep in contact with those whom we know well, so that if needed, we can provide aid fast in new emergencies.“ – Dr. Werner Strahl, paediatric surgeon, and former chairman of Cap Anamur Dt. Notärzte (e.V.) German Emergency Doctors e.V.
Welcoming of the cattle drovers in the Bezaha region. In 2013, Cap Anamur teams worked in different regions of Madagascar to provide mainly medical assistance to the rural poor.