Nach dem schweren Erdbeben im Oktober 2023 in Afghanistan leistet Cap Anamur für die betroffenen Region Wiederaufbauhilfe

Reconstruction Aid for Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan is Progressing

1. July 2024 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur leistet trotz der Machtübernahme der Taliban 2021 weiterhin aktiv Hilfe für Afghanistan

Cap Anamur Continues to Provide Aid for Afghanistan

26. June 2024 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur bildet Frauen in Afghanistan zur Krankenpflegekräften aus

A Chance for Women in Afghanistan to have a Career Future

20. December 2023 Afghanistan, Project reportsAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. baut in der Erdbebenregion in Afghanistan Wohnhäuser wieder auf

Reconstruction Aid for Afghanistan

23. October 2023 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.


Emergency Aid for the Earthquake Victims in Afghanistan

9. October 2023 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Medical Care in Afghanistan - Cap Anamur Performs Over 3,895 Dialyses Annually

21. September 2023 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur bildet Frauen in Afghanistan zu Krankenpflegekräften aus

Cap Anamur Launches New Training Course for Women in Afghanistan

19. July 2023 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur enabled 37 Afghan women to train as nurses

24. May 2023 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Our Work in Afghanistan Continues to Reach the People We Need to Help

28. April 2022 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.

Cap Anamur hilft mit Lebensmitteln der hungernden Bevölkerung in Herat

Food for the Starving Population in Herat

7. February 2022 Project reports, AfghanistanAfghanistanIn Afghanistan, we train nurses, build hospitals and hand them over to the public administration. In addition, a dialysis station is supported by Cap Anamur.