Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Latest news

Seit Beginn des Krieges in der Ukraine unterstützt Cap Anamur die Versorgung und Unterbringung vieler schutzbedürftiger Binnengeflüchteter.

Ukraine – Cap Anamur Offers Protection and Support for Internally Displaced Persons

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Cap Anamur has been supplying and accommodating many internally displaced persons in need of protection. We provide important help, particularly in social facilities.

Die Angriffe im Süden des Libanon haben Zehntausende zur Flucht veranlasst. Cap Anamur leistet medizinische Nothilfe im Libanon für diese Menschen

On The Humanitarian Situation in Lebanon

The civilian population in Lebanon has suffered fear, horror and human loss in recent days. Cap Anamur is providing immediate emergency medical aid.

Der Krieg im Sudan führt zu einer der schlimmsten Hungerkatastrophen weltweit - Cap Anamur ist weiterhin vor Ort tätig um den Menschen zu helfen

War in Sudan | Famine Looms

A bloody war has been raging in Sudan for over a year, forcing more than 13 million people to flee their homes. The country is now facing one of the world's most severe famines.

Cap Anamur leistet in Mosambik Hilfe, um die medizinische Versorgung der Menschen zu verbessern

Mozambique: Improving Medical Care

The Mozambican healthcare system suffers from an acute shortage of specialists, hygiene standards and a safe water supply. Cap Anamur is therefore providing aid in this country to improve medical care for the people.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.