Karina Busemann

The laughing children will remain in her memory for a long time.

Karina Busemann - Nurse in Somaliland


Karina Busemann


29 years old


Medical nurse

Country of operation


Duration of mission

6 months

My everyday life in the project

First thing in the morning, a coffee – and then it was off to work. The first thing I liked to do was get an overview of the new admissions of the night, and then it was off to morning rounds. Afterwards, there was the morning meeting, where all the news, transfers and complicated cases were discussed. Then it was on to the actual work. Most of the time, there were already a few patients outside the emergency room who wanted to be treated – the team then took care of them. When things were quiet and there were no critical patients to help with, I took care of the medication storage, “paperwork,” or preparing for classes. At noon, we did additional rounds to all critical patients. This was followed up by a lunch break and a shift change at the hospital. After lunch, the colleagues and I drove back to the hospital. I usually then made another small round and checked, if everything was okay. I often helped our midwife with the births, which was always a lot of fun, or I took on the tasks that just came up. There was always something to do, if you had a free minute.

Karina Busemann - Nurse in Somaliland

My spare time at the project:

I used the free time in the project mostly for lazing around and reading. Every now and then we went for a walk, either with the Cap Anamur team or with staff from the hospital. For security reasons, we always had to be accompanied by a soldier. Especially in and after the long-awaited rainy season, you could see how much greener everything became, gradually. That impressed me, very much.

I particularly appreciated:

The experiences I was allowed to make have shaped me a lot as a person. The team spirit, whether it was the international team or the national team, where people always supported each other and also accepted each other when they didn’t have the best day.

Karina Busemann - Nurse in Somaliland

I especcially missed:

My soft mattress at home and cheese.

My plans for the future:

I would love to do many more missions for Cap Anamur. Right now I’m taking a little break to decide what exactly I want to do in the future. I may want to seek a college education. Perhaps in the field of humanitarian aid, to better understand interconnections, and to be able to help in a more targeted way.

Karina Busemann - Nurse in Somaliland

My best memories of my time on the project:

There are so many great memories! If I had to list them all, this short profile would have the format of a book.
Above all, probably, the gratitude of the people. At first Somalilanders make a rather distant impression, but once they get used to you, you notice their affection in small gestures.

I also have especially fond memories of the children who often called my name during my Friday walks. When I looked at them, they hid behind their mommies, and then when I waved, they waved back enthusiastically and laughed.

Through the many conversations with local colleagues, I realized how strong the people and especially the women are in the country. That made a deep impression on me.

Team members in portrait