Anika Wentz

On assignment as a health and nursing care worker in Sudan

Anika Wentz


Anika Wentz


30 years old


registered health and nursing nurse

Country of operation

Sudan, Nuba Mountains

Duration of mission

6 months

How long have you been employed by Cap Anamur?

My first mission for Cap Anamur started on April 15th, 2021

What does your day-to-day work / area of responsibility look like?

As a nurse for Cap Anamur in Sudan, you ensure the day-to-day smooth running of an ever-growing hospital. You take care of patient care, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, employee issues, and you take care of supplies and medications needed in the day-to-day running of the hospital. We also provide training for our local colleagues. You participate in meetings and a constant exchange with the local Ministry of Health as well as partners on the ground,.

Education and prevention work is also an important part of our work.

What do you like most about your work?

The close cooperation and constant exchange with colleagues from other cultures and different levels of experience.
The intensive and familiar cohesion of the Cap Anamur staff on site.

Reasons why you work for Cap Anamur:

Cap Anamur works with heart and passion at every detail. More than 90% of donations go directly to the projects and you can see what can be achieved with it.
Cap Anamur is run by people who show that courage is the most important thing it takes to help. Cap Anamur showed me, I never want to be not brave again.

Some memories or special moments:

I take with me many special memories and moments. In the positive sense as well as the negative.
Like yesterday, I still see this little girl of 21 days in Maternity in front of me.
She was the first born and therefore a Kaka, her mother (17 years) delivered her at home. Unfortunately, Kaka stopped suckling at 6 days old and her mother had no more milk. So she came to us, 21 days old and only consisting of bones (1,3 kg). No one really believed that this little creature could make it. Our midwives and on-site gynecologist managed to get Kaka to a weight of 2.8 kg over a period of weeks, and even re-stimulated the mother to produce milk with enough fluids and food.
Kaka and her mother were able to be discharged in good health.
It was a special moment every time to see a weight gain on the scale. But not only with Kaka, but with so many other children.

Team members in portrait