23. October 2023 Afghanistan, Project reports

Reconstruction Aid for Afghanistan

Cap Anamur / German Emergency Doctors e.V. rebuilds completely destroyed homes in the earthquake region in Afghanistan.

Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. baut in der Erdbebenregion in Afghanistan Wohnhäuser wieder auf
Swift aid for those affected by the earthquake

“Fast action is needed now so that the people in the earthquake region in Afghanistan can get a new home before the onset of winter,” says Bernd Göken, describing the aid measures that Cap Anamur / German Emergency Doctors e.V. will soon be launching.

The earthquakes of October 08 and 15 completely destroyed 13 villages in Herat province and especially in the Shade region. The simply built mud houses already collapsed during the first quake. Only a few buildings, including a hospital in Shade that Cap Anamur built in 2012 to withstand earthquakes, survived the tremors. The injured were treated in this very hospital.

Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. baut in der Erdbebenregion in Afghanistan Wohnhäuser wieder auf
Reconstruction measures for the earthquake region

For the reconstruction work, building materials for about 50 houses will be procured soon and made available to the people for the construction of a small but earthquake-proof house.

“It is important to us that the people in the region are involved in the reconstruction of their homes. We are providing building materials for a two-room house,” explains Bernd Göken, Managing Director of Cap Anamur. “If necessary, the families can also call on the support of specialists to implement the construction measures. The most important thing is that the houses are built earthquake-proof.”

Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. baut in der Erdbebenregion in Afghanistan Wohnhäuser wieder auf
A safe home for the people who lost everything in the earthquakes.

With the reconstruction of the destroyed dwellings, we are now providing important help for the people who have lost everything. The earthquakes of early October have plunged the Afghan people, already suffering from catastrophic conditions in the country, into another crisis.

In this emergency situation, we stand by the affected families to help them find a safe home as quickly as possible.

With your donation you support the urgently needed help for the earthquake victims in Afghanistan! Please include the payment reference “AFGHANISTAN”. Thank you very much!