2. June 2023 Project reports, Ukraine

Two ambulances for mobile medical service in Ukraine

Today, Cap Anamur CEO Volker Rath left for Ukraine with two ambulances. The ambulance vehicles are used for the initial treatment of seriously injured people near the front line.

Cap Anamur stellt zur medizinischen VErsrgung in der Ukraine zwei Rettungswagen zur Verfügung.
Seriously injured people receive initial treatment in the ambulance vehicles

By providing the ambulances, we support the work of a mobile medical task force in the frontline area of eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian doctors, intensive care nurses and nurses form a mobile medical response team that evacuates severely injured servicemen and servicewomen from the combat zone. First aid is administered in the rescue vehicles. Afterwards, a hospital in the vicinity is approached, among others in Kramatorsk, Isjum or Dnipro. There, the injured are then given further care in the intensive care unit.

Cap Anamur stellt zur medizinischen Versorgung in der Ukraine zwei Rettungswagen zur Verfügung.

The ambulance vehicles are now first brought to our project site in Novoselyzja. There, they are examined once again from a technical point of view and then stocked with medications, consumables and oxygen. We then hand them over to the medical team in eastern Ukraine.

Volker Rath is currently supervising our work in Ukraine and has also used his short stay in Germany to procure further medical equipment. He also has defibrillators and wheelchairs in his luggage, which we distribute to various hospitals. He was also accompanied by the young Ukrainian volunteer Misha. He works for a Ukrainian organization in which young men and women who cannot do military service still volunteer for their country. Misha helps us deliver the two ambulances to Ukraine.

We are planning our emergency aid in Ukraine for the long term

Through intensive exchange with our close network of contacts throughout the country, and especially in eastern Ukraine, we are able to immediately determine the need for required materials. We plan our aid projects for the long term so that the medical care situation in the country can be maintained.

Our efforts on the ground are best supported by means of donations! Please include the designated use “UKRAINE”. Thank you!