Mathias Voss

On assignment as a health care worker and nurse in Sudan

Mathias Voss


Mathias Voss


36 years old


Nurse Practitioner & Physician

Country of operation

Sudan, Nuba Mountains

Duration of mission

13,5 months

My everyday life in the project

My everyday life in the project was mainly determined by the clinical work in the hospital in Lwere. The hospital plays a key role in providing medical care to the people of the Nuba Mountains and the entire South Kordofan region.

After the morning greeting of all employees, the service handover and the obligatory prayer, everyone started in their work areas. I took rounds on the ward, in the emergency room or the mother and child clinic, supported by nursing staff and trainees to interpret in Sudanese Arabic. During bedside teaching, I practiced examination techniques with our staff and trainees on patients, discussed medical histories, and counseled patients and family members on health promotion and prevention topics.

Giving advice, asking for advice or professional exchange were naturally part of everyday work. I then reviewed laboratory results and cared for patients who appeared for follow-up and emergencies.

After the lunch break, further progress and laboratory checks followed. The workload was also determined by rainy or dry periods, so that occasionally new admissions had to be supplied until the evening hours. In addition to clinical work, the team provided weekly staff training, on-call services, and organized all necessary steps to facilitate clinic and project operations. You become an all-rounder in many respects and help out where you can.

My spare time at the project:

I spent my free time gardening in the compound and together with my colleagues in the spacious, shared “compound flat”, where we cooked and lived together. Otherwise, I explored the surrounding area. I always met someone I knew and struck up a conversation. This allowed me to practice my Arabic, make friends, and participate in the daily life of the Nuba people.

I particularly appreciated:

…the tireless commitment of all local as well as active and former international staff members who successfully realize this Cap Anamur project on a daily basis and advance it together against all odds. This was particularly evident when, at the beginning of 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the development of the global situation was completely unclear. All team members decided to stay in the project to continue working with colleagues in the field in a solution-oriented manner.

I especcially missed:

… actually, nothing. Maybe the occasional crab sandwich and being directly involved in the lives of my girlfriend, family and friends.

My plans for the future:

Starting my further training as a medical specialist in Germany and the intention to continue to look attentively beyond my own horizons.

My best memories of my time on the project:

The many great moments and encounters with people in the clinic and everyday life.

Team members in portrait