Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

Latest news

Here you will find the latest news or developments in the individual aid projects, job postings, events, new podcast episodes, and much more.

Latest news

Street Children Learn for an Independent Life

In the street children's shelter Pikin Paddy, we give boys and girls a perspective through various projects so that they can shape their lives independently in the future. In addition to school support, we also offer interested young people the opportunity to learn craft skills that they can use for professional purposes.

Artists for Cap Anamur – Charity Concert

On 04 June at 6 pm the benefit concert "ChoroTrio plays for Kids in Sierra Leone" in favor of Cap Anamur will take place.

Insights into the Daily Life of Cap Anamur’s Hospital in Bossembélé

One of our main tasks in the Central African Republic is the construction and expansion of the hospital complex in Bossembélé. We have been steadily expanding this hospital since 2013 and provide medicines and important equipment.

Cap Anamur Emergency Aid in Ukraine – Volker Rath Reports on the Current Podcast Episode

In our latest podcast episode, our Chairman of the Board Volker Rath reports directly from Ukraine. He discusses the emergency aid measures that Cap Anamur is carrying out on the ground and allows many of the people affected to get a word in.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.