Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Anja arbeitet seit einem Monat für Cap Anamur als Hebamme in Mosambik

The First Month as a Midwife in Mozambique

Anja has been working as a midwife for Cap Anamur in Mozambique for four weeks. She supports the maternity department at Pemba Hospital. Cap Anamur has been rebuilding destroyed health facilities in the north of the country since 2022 and sends medical specialists.

Cap Anamur betreibt seit 2013 ein Krankenhaus in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik und stärkt somit die Frauengesundheit

Cap Anamur Strengthens Women’s Health in the Central African Republic

The civil war in the Central African Republic, which has been going on for decades, means that there are hardly any stable healthcare facilities in the country. Women suffer particularly from this situation and every pregnancy and birth carries a high risk. Cap Anamur is therefore strengthening women's health in the country by operating a hospital.

Der Ukrainekrieg dauert nun bereits zwei Jahre an. Cap Anamur leistet seit Beginn medizinische Nothilfe im Land.

Two Years of War in Ukraine – Two Years of Unimaginable Suffering for an Entire Nation

These days mark the second anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine For two years now, we have been experiencing on the ground the suffering that this war is causing people. Our aid remains in place to ensure that the Ukrainian population continues to have access to medical care.

Cap Anamur bietet syrischen Geflüchteten im Libanon kostenlosen Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung. Im Fokus stehen dabei auch Kinder mit körperlicher und geistiger Behinderung.

Help for Syrian Children with Physical or Mental Disabilities

Cap Anamur offers Syrian refugees in Lebanon free access to medical care. In addition, we are particularly dedicated to children with physical or mental disabilities in our physiotherapy surgery.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.