13. February 2023 Syria, Project reports

Relief supplies for the earthquake victims in Aleppo

Last Saturday, Cap Anamur's shipment of relief goods arrived to those affected by the earthquake in Aleppo. Our team from Lebanon had set out for the northern regions of Syria on Friday and was able to distribute more than 12 tons of goods over the weekend.

Cap Anamur versorgt die Erdbebenopfer in Syrien mit dringend benötigten Hilfsgütern
Cap Anamur provides emergency aid in Aleppo

Without any problems our transports were able to enter Syria, last weekend. The destination of our delivery was Aleppo. We had made contact with some families in the Syrian town through our project in Lebanon. There, we provide care for Syrian refugees who still have family members in Aleppo.

Many people have found refuge in a school

When the Cap Anamur team arrived in Aleppo on Saturday, they immediately approached a school. In it, many families whose homes were destroyed by the earthquake have gathered. Especially women with children have been accommodated there. Each classroom houses up to 30 people. Here they have found a safe shelter, but they have lost everything. Their homes have been destroyed and their belongings buried in the rubble. Many have also suffered personal losses. Family members have died in the quake. The suffering is unimaginably great.

We have served over 100 families

When the relief supplies were unloaded in an adjacent building, many people in need quickly gathered there. We distributed blankets, food and tents to over 100 families. Gratefully, the survivors of the disaster received the goods. After all, it is one of the first aids to reach the badly damaged city. During the distribution campaign, our team identified further needs of the people. Because the most urgent needs are warm clothing for children, more food and hygiene items, and goods for everyday life.

Those affected receive a hot meal

Since many houses were destroyed, it is currently not possible for those affected to provide for themselves. Therefore, with the food provided by Cap Anamur, hot meals are prepared in the school. These are then handed out on a daily basis. In the past week, some people have had only one sandwich a day to eat, as the food supply is catastrophic.

Cap Anamur is already preparing another shipment

Now that we have coordinated the need for relief supplies with the affected families in Aleppo, we are currently preparing another shipment. We provide warm clothes and food, especially powdered milk for infants. These goods will then be taken to the Syrian city again in the coming days. We will continue to provide further assistance on a needs basis so that our help reaches where it is most urgently needed.

Our efforts on the ground are best supported by means of donations! Please include the intended pament use “EARTHQUAKE”. Thank you!