Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Here you will find the latest news or developments in the individual aid projects, job postings, events, new podcast episodes, and much more.

Latest news

The women and girls face a bleak future

Cap Anamur has been working in Afghanistan since 2001 - project coordinator Faisal Haidari currently reports on our projects on the ground, which we are still carrying out.

A Day of Games, Fun and a Colorful Carousel

From morning until early afternoon, up to 600 children from the slum area were given the opportunity to ride on a carousel for the first time in their lives.

Photographer Juergen Escher

” ÜBER LEBEN” Photo exhibition by Jürgen Escher

Jürgen Escher has accompanied Cap Anamur for 34 years now. You can see a selection of photos from 11/18/2021 - 02/06/2022 in the Werretalhalle in Löhne.

Ultrasound examination at the General Hospital and Special Clinic by Prof. Dr. Moazzem Hossain.

Women Often Excluded from Medical Care

Cap Anamur has been promoting medical care for poor women, especially during pregnancy, in Bangladesh for 14 years. Cooperation with local health care facilities enables them to offer free treatment.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.