Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Interview mit dem Geschäftsführer von Cap Anamur, Bernd Göken im Deutschlandfunk zur Lage im Sudan

“A Humanitarian Catastrophe is Taking Place in Sudan”

Bernd Göken, Managing Director of Cap Anamur / Deutsche Not-Ärzte e.V. reports on the current situation in Sudan on Deutschlandfunk radio.

Die mobile Klinik von Cap Anamur ist für viele syrische Geflüchtete die einzige medizinische Versorgungsmöglichkeit

Mobile Clinic in Lebanon: Often the Only Medical Care Option

Most of the 1.5 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon live below the poverty line. Excluded from the healthcare system, they can barely afford medical treatment. Cap Anamur therefore supports the medical care of Syrian refugees with a mobile clinic.

Cap Anamur sichert Menschen in Not das Recht auf Gesundheit

The Right to Health – An interview by Cap Anamur on World Health Day 2024

The motto of this year's WHO World Health Day is "My health, my right". Cap Anamur supports this human right by building and operating health facilities and sending medical personnel. Nevertheless, we need to take a critical look at the global causes and flaws in the system and work on long-term solutions.

Cap Anamur versorgt Dörfer in Zentralafrika mit Trinkwasser-Brunnen.

World Water Day 2024: Cap Anamur Drills Drinking Water Wells

Although the supply of water is a basic human right, billions of people have no access to clean drinking water. Cap Anamur therefore ensures a reliable water supply in several projects on the African continent.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.