10. November 2021 Sierra Leone, Project reports

A Day of Games, Fun and a Colorful Carousel

From morning until early afternoon, up to 600 children from the slum area were given the opportunity to ride on a carousel for the first time in their lives.

Our project worker Tina, who has been working at our Cap Anamur street children’s shelter Pikin Paddy since June, organized a great day for the children in the Susan’s Bay slum.
Together with the organizations Lila Juegos Reciclados, Laughter Africa and Don Bosco, the event was planned at the Marbela soccer field in Susan’s Bay. From morning until early afternoon, about 600 children from the slum area were given the opportunity to ride on a carousel for the first time in their lives.

The carousel was built by teenagers, partly from recycled materials

The organizations Lila and Don Bosco offer a three-year training program for welders in Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone. As part of this training, this carousel made of recycled material was created, among other things. It was built by youths, some of whom lived in Pikin Paddy years ago. Other playground equipment that the children were able to use that day was also made during the welder training.

Fun for children and also adults alike

Not only were the children of the Susan’s Bay community excited, but so were the adults. Questions were repeatedly asked about how to make such attractions and whether they can be rented for events. The fact that almost everything is made from recycled material has fascinated people very much. The children were beside themselves and completely thrilled.

Cooperation partner Music Heals with musical performance on board

Our cooperation partner Music Heals, who offer weekly music lessons at the street children’s shelter, were also involved in the program. Together with some girls and boys from our project they contributed a musical performance. There was also a dance contest, food and drink for the kids, and lots of big shining eyes.