22. February 2024 Project reports, Ukraine

Two Years of War in Ukraine – Two Years of Unimaginable Suffering for an Entire Nation

These days mark the second anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine For two years now, we have been experiencing on the ground the suffering that this war is causing people. Our aid remains in place to ensure that the Ukrainian population continues to have access to medical care.

Der Ukrainekrieg dauert nun bereits zwei Jahre an. Cap Anamur leistet seit Beginn medizinische Nothilfe im Land.

Since the end of 2023, the intensity of hostilities in eastern Ukraine has increased again. Despite the tense security situation, we are able to maintain our emergency aid. We regularly supply the hospitals near the front with relief supplies and urgently needed medicines, consumables and technical equipment.

Last year, we focussed on the following aid for the people of Ukraine:

April 2023:
Delivery of an ultrasound machine for the first aid hospital in Kramatorsk

May 2023:
In Chernivtsi, support was provided for the renovation and expansion of a refugee centre. We have renovated washrooms and set up two canteen kitchens, helping to improve accommodation for around 200 internally displaced persons.

June 2023:
Supply of hospitals near the front line

  • Large delivery of medicines for the hospital in Izjum
  • Two defibrillators for the hospital in Dnipro
  • 2 ambulances for a mobile medical team in Zaporizhia (more on this in the News from 02.06.2023)
  • Completion of the renovation work at the refugee centre in Chernivtsi
Cap Anamur hat in einem Geflüchtetenheim in
Cap Anamur hat zwei Krankenwagen für ein mobiles medizinisches Einsatzteam in Saporischja bereitgestellt

August 2023:

  • Delivery of urgently needed medicines and consumables for the children’s home in Ostrytsya
  • 20 camp beds for the mobile medical unit in Zaporizhia
  • Large delivery of medicines for the hospital in Izjum
  • Building materials for a village in the Kherson region that was damaged by the floods after the dam burst.

October 2023:

  • Further renovation work in the refugee centre in Chernivtsi, especially to create rooms for the accommodation of disabled people.

November 2023:

  • Help for the badly damaged village of Kalyniwske: fuel for the health care centre and construction of a social room.
  • For the old people’s home in Izjum, we provided consumables for the people living there and building materials to optimise the building.
  • In Wyssokopillja, we supported the operation of an improvised hospital ward.
Für das Dorf -	Baumaterial für ein Dorf in der Region Cherson,
-	Lieferung dringend benötigter Medikamente und Verbrauchsgüter für das Kinderheim in Ostrytsya
Cap Anamur continues to provide emergency aid in Ukraine

Our project coordinator Peter will soon be bringing a bus to Ukraine to support the mobility of elderly people from Vysokopillya in particular. The small town was liberated again in September 2022 after six months of Russian occupation. The infrastructure of the entire region has suffered under the occupation. People no longer have the opportunity to buy essential goods. The bus can now be used to travel to the nearest larger town, for example to do the shopping or visit the doctor.

Our efforts on the ground are best supported by means of donations! Please include the designated use “UKRAINE”. Thank you!