Farmer tilling his fields in Bezaha region, Madagascar.

Cap Anamur Stories

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Latest news

Sudan Conflict | The Supply Situation of the Refugees and Especially of the Children is Getting More and More Catastrophic

Since the outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan, more than three million people have fled within the country. Hundreds of thousands have sought refuge in the Nuba Mountains. The supply situation for the refugees and especially for the children becomes more and more catastrophic.

Cap Anamur hat von 1998 - 2001 beim Wiederaufbau nach dem Kosovokrieg geholfen.

The End of the Captivity of the Kosovars

On June 13th, 1999, about 7015 Kosovo refugees from Kukes, Albania, were able to return to their homeland. Cap Anamur took care of these people who had to live in tents in the refugee camp in Gostil.

Photographer Juergen Escher

Photo exhibition: Survival – 40 years of Cap Anamur

From Sunday, September 24, the photo exhibition "ÜBERLEBEN - 40 Jahre Cap Anamur" by photographer Jürgen Escher will be held at the MUSIT Museum for Urban and Industrial History in Troisdorf, Germany.

Cap Anamur entsendet regelmäßig medizinisches Fachpersonal in die Zentralafrikanische Republik.

We create access to medical care before and during childbirth

At our hospital in the Central African Republic, our midwives provide professional birth care to pregnant women.

Project reports

The project reports provide more detailed and in-depth insights into the respective work we are doing at the different locations worldwide.