Cap Anamur provides winter aid for Ukraine.
Since November, Cap Anamur has distributed heating elements to over 200 households in the Ukrainian town of Izyum. In the first week of January, we were now able to send a delivery to Kamianka, 7 km away. The completely destroyed village has been without energy supply for months and the people are in need of urgent help.
People in Kamianka are defenceless against winter temperatures
“I could not imagine that in the village 7 km away from Izyum, which was totally destroyed during the Russian conquest, people were still living at all”, Jürgen Maul, our project coordinator in Ukraine, reports.
From February to September 2022 Kamianka was occupied by Russian troops. Nearly all buildings in the village were completely destroyed. Of the former 1,200 inhabitants, only 11 families remain in the Ukrainian village. There is neither electricity, water nor gas. The few families left live in the rubble of their houses. They are at the mercy of temperatures in the double-digit minus range.
The inhabitants are increasingly old women and men who are not able to leave the village. To all the people who remained in the village, we distributed gas cylinders with radiant heaters and a cooking attachment. This allows them to heat the small rooms they occupy and use the gas cylinders as a cooking alternative.
The supply for Kamianka must be significantly expanded
“After we delivered the gas cylinders with heaters and cooking option, we found out that much more is needed to survive this winter well,” reports our project coordinator.
Therefore, we have provided an additional 15 wood-burning stoves with attached cooking facilities. Although the entire region is mined, these can be operated with wood from the rubble of the completely destroyed houses.
In addition, a power generator, power station, blankets, sleeping bags, cooking utensils, cups, drinking containers as well as meat cans were provided for several weeks.
Thanks to the winter aid we have provided, the people in Kamianka are now equipped for the winter months.
Cap Anamur expands its aid in eastern Ukraine since November
From November to January we have already supplied more and more households in Izyum with heating elements. The last delivery, in early January, included 200 oil electric radiators, 50 gas cylinders with heating element and cooking top, and two generators for the hospital.
The power supply is not guaranteed consistently, especially now in winter. Thus, the supply of alternative cooking and heating is very important. We can ensure this for more and more residents through our relief efforts.
In order to provide medical care, we have also equipped the local hospital with heating elements and a power generator.
With our winter aid we support the people in Izyum (as already reported) and Kamianka, so that they can survive the cold months.